Series 2000/3020 1/4 DIN Controllers

Dual Display
Type J, K, R, T T/C or RTD Inputs (2000)
Type J, K T/C or RTD Inputs (3020)
Single Output
Series 86/88 Controllers

On/Off, Proportional or Limit Control
Type J, K, T Thermocouple Input
RTD Input (Series 86 Only)
Single Output

(86 only)
(limit control)
Series 4000 1/4 DIN Controllers

On/Off, PID, or Limit Options
Type J or K T/C or Platinum RTD Inputs
Single Output

(limit control)
Series 1810 1/8 DIN Controllers

Accurate PID control with no
complicated setup
J or K T/C input
output standard with alarm or proportional cooling second output optional